Roshambo Racing

Monday, December 21, 2009

The Dash is in, windshield, and off to RalliTek!

Last week was another good week.  We got the dash installed, and all the bodywork put together.  Also, the windshield was installed.  It actually looks like a car now instead of a shell.

Here's the dash.

Here's proof that Doug does more than just take photos.  Soldering together a battery cable using a torch...

The taillights got left at home... But they're in now.

That engine bay looks empty.... but not for long.

Today, the car was delivered to RalliTek for the motor installation.  The shot above is from their shop webcam

You can just see the car on the right side of the photo.  RalliTek and IPD use the same shop- That's why. there are a bunch of Volvos in the photo.  RalliTek will soon have the motor in, and then we'll have a stout rally exhaust installed before returning the car to RalliTek for tuning.  Hopefully, all of that will be done by Mid January so we'll have time to add skidplates, rally lights, and rally gear.

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