Today, some of the team (of 6 drivers and 3 crew) got together to paint the car to match our "World Rally Chumps" theme. We started today by laying down a base coat of faux World Rally Blue.
Here's what the car looked like at 10:45:

Here's what it looked like at 12:10. Note the awesome Chump style paint booth.

Eager painters ready to go. Bryce, Jessica, Pat, Dan, Doug.

Here, Jessica highlights the Krylon True Blue paint can. It's not REALLY Subaru World Rally Blue. Almost impossible to tell, though. Perfect (Chump) match.

This dog wanted to help, too. I told him no, because he had no balls.

Here's the car at 12:15.

Here it is at 12:22. Dang near finished. Only took 9 cans of paint.

And here it is with painted wheels and rally lights. We just need to add a few decals and it will look EXACTLY like one of Petter Solberg's winning cars.